Tuesday, April 7, 2009

El Pastor Josef (Joseph the Shepherd)

Miraflores, Lima, Perú
December 12, 2008

Hacía mucho tiempo, antes de que él supiera que existía el pueblo por otro lado del nevado, era fácil andarse de aquí para allá. Pero ahora, el pastor tenía que contar con su bastón, caballo y camión antiguo, para que pudiera llevar sus productos al mercado en el pueblito. Eso era un aspecto de su vida que aceptaba sin quejarse aunque no quisiera hacerlo.

A long time ago, before he knew that the pueblo existed on the other side of the snow-capped mountain, it was easy for him to get about. But now, the shepherd had to rely on his walking cane, his horse and his old wagon, so that he could bring his products to the market in the little pueblo. That was an aspect of his life that he accepted without complaint even though he really didn't want to.

Él espería llegar temprano, un día antes de la ultima fería de la temporada para buscar un buen espacio y alistar todos sus cosas. Era necesario que vendiera todo de la lana que había esquilado de su rebaño de treinta ovejas. Él necesitaba ganar y ahorrar bastante dinero para poder sobrevivir el invierno. Por la bajada de la temperatura en las noches, parecía que estaba viniendo mas temprano que el año pasado. Esto le dio alegría a su esposa porque sufría los veranos y otoños por el calor y la soleada que han manchado su piel.

He hoped to arrive early, one day before the last fair of the season in order to look for a good space and get all of his goods ready. It was necessary that he sell all of the wool that he had shorn from his herd of 30 sheep as he needed to earn and save enough money to be able to survive the winter. Because of the drop in temperature at night, it seemed that it was coming earlier this year than last. This brought joy to his wife because she suffered during the summer and fall due to the heat and the sunshine that burned her skin.

También, el pastor vendía su leche y queso que hacía con la ayuda de su esposa. Los padres del pueblo siempre le pedían la leche suya para la salud de sus bebitos, porque podían digerirla más fácil que la de la vaca. Los adultos preferían el sabor cremoso del queso, especialemente antes de la Navidad cuando era la tradición suya echar romero fresco y picado. Por eso, se lo ha dado el sobrenombre Josef al pastor, por el papá de Jesus Cristo. Como dice la leyenda biblica, la Virgen María había secado su ropa en una capa de romero hecho por Josef durante su viaje al Belén.

Also, the shepherd wanted to sell his milk and cheese that he had made with the help of his wife. The parents that lived in the pueblo always sought out his sheep's milk for the health of their children because they could digest it easier than the cow's milk they traditionally drank. The adults preferred the creamy flavor of his cheese, especially just before Christmas when it was the shepherd's tradition to add in fresh, chopped rosemary. For that reason, they had given the shepherd the nickname Joseph, after the father of Jesus. As it is told, the Virgen Mary had dried her clothing on a bed of rosemary made for her by Joseph during their travel to Bethlehem.

En la salida del sol, acompañado por su esposa, Josef agarró las asas de las bolsas llenadas de botellas de leche fresca, queso y la lana de su rebaño. Una por una, las empacó en el camión antiguo usando su mano derecha. En la otra mano, llevó su bastón que necesitaba para estar de pie y caminar. Cuando había terminado, despidió a su esposa y comenzó el viaje, mirando hacía adelante al nevado, y imaginando su llegada al pueblo que existía por el otro lado.

Colorín colorado, esta cuenta ha terminado.

In the sunshine of the morning, accompanied by his wife, Joseph grabbed the handles of the bags filled with bottles of fresh milk, cheese, and the wool from his herd. One by one, he packed them into his old wagon using his right hand. In the other hand, he carried his cane that he needed to stand up and get about. When he had finished, he said goodbye to his wife and started the journey, looking ahead toward the snow-capped mountain, imagining his arrival at the pueblo that existed on the other side.

And that's the end of our story.

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